Sustainable Biomes

Sustainable Biomes

Examine the physical characteristics and productivity of different biomes. 

What impact do biomes have on production of food and non-food agriculture?

Why do plants grow better in certain environments?

How does our food system work?

How will we feed the population into he future?

These questions will be explored in this course.

Changing Places
Danielle Lucas

Changing Places

Students examine the patterns and trends in population movements and the increasing urbanisation of countries. They discuss the reasons for internal and international migration patterns and the consequences of population movements, including the increased concentration of populations within countries. Students examine strategies to create liveable and sustainable urban places, propose solutions and suggest opportunities for active citizenship. 




 Students examine the nature of, and differences in, human wellbeing and development that exist within and between countries. They describe ways of measuring human wellbeing and development to reveal spatial variations and develop explanations for differences. Students investigate examples from Australia and across the world of issues affecting development, the impact on human wellbeing and the consequences of spatial variations across scales. Local, national and global initiatives to improve human wellbeing are also examined.